Norma Rae

There's a lot of gossip. I got my two kids...
I don't know...
It just doesn't make me feel good.
You're here to make me feel good.
I'm not trottin' down here any more.
Why, you hick!
You got dirt under your fingernails.
You pick your teeth
with a matchbook - I seen ya!

Shit, what the hell are you good for, anyway?
You come outta that factory,
you wash under your armpits,

you come down here and spread your legs
for a poke and then you go on home.

And you're dumpin' me?
- I heard a hell of a thump.
- Yeah?

- It was me gettin' throwed across the room.
- I have some ice for that. Come on in.

Sit down, please.
You look all shook up.
Here, put this on it.
Thought everybody down south
was Ashley Wilkes.

You lie down with dogs, you get fleas.
Well, hey, what?
Does this look broken to you?

Go like this.
No, I don't think so. You want aspirin?
No, thanks.
- Band-Aid?
- No.

- Valium?
- You're a whole drugstore.

I'm a mild hypochondriac. Keep that on it.
Me and men.
I oughta learn to say no right from the start.
But if it wasn't men,
I don't know what it would be.
