Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht

l am the descendent of an old family.
Time is an abyss, profound as
a thousand nights.

Centuries come and go. . .
. . .to be unable to grow old is terrible.
That is not the worst.
There are things more horrible than that.

Can you imagine enduring centuries. . .
. . .experiencing the same futility
each day?

l'm glad you found such a large
old house for me.

Very near your lodging, l understand.
Yes, it's just around the corner.
Ah. . .
. . .may l have a look at the contract?
What?. . .
What a lovely throat.
lt's my wife, Lucy.
Your hand.
Your hand is so cold.
The document. . . the contract for
the house, l must sign it immediately.

Yes, but we haven't settled on a price.
lt doesn't matter between gentlemen. . .
. . .l accept whatever you find just.
How long did it take you
to get here from Wismar?

Four weeks.
l . . .
