Rocky II

If this kid has your good looks
and your good brains

and my good left hook,
he's really gonna be somethin'.

Oh, no, what if it's a girl?
What if it's a girl?

Oh, I didn't think about that.
Well, she'll be everything I'm not.
She won't have to be shy.

We could give her singing
and dancing lessons.

How about a new dress every day?
Have to hire a bodyguard when she starts
goin' to school to keep the boys away.

You know how them little boys can be.
A real pest in general.

And if it's a boy,
I'd like him to be just like the father.

Don't you think one dumbbell
in the family's enough?

I'll tell you one thing -
this kid won't get no tattoos.

It ain't gonna be hanging around no
corners or dress like no wise guy like me.

He's gonna be a good somebody like you.
- Like you.
- No, no, no. Like you.

- Like you.
- No, no. Like you.

Like you.
Yo, Adrian. We did it. Didn't we?
- How you feel, Rocky?
- Pretty good.

The reason we didn't call was we wanted
to wait till the swelling went down.

- I see.
- You look terrific now.

- Yeah?
- We're gonna make a buck together.

That's good.
I got a deal today from Smart Deal Toy
Company. Did you ever hear of them?

- No.
- Did you ever hear of a Smart Deal Toy?

- No.
- No? Big. They're number one.

And they wanna make a Rocky doll.
You can kick it. You can beat it.

For kids. You can kick it.
You can beat it. It does everything.

- Pretty smart, yeah.
- Takes a terrific beating.

I think it's a great idea.
We're gonna make a lot of money.

Is he ready there?
- Finito.
- How do I look?

- The best.
- Fabulous.

- Adrian, how do I look?
- Different.

- Sensational. Come on, let's get it on.
- OK.

He's gonna be great.
- Don't be nervous.
- Yeah. How do I look?

- I look stupid, don't I?
- Yes.
