Time After Time

I realize it's a big city.
Anyway, their name is Phillips.

He works for Coca-Cola.Any chance?
-No, I'm afraid not.
-Ah, yes.

You probably move
in different circles.

Are you a scientist or something?
Whatever makes you say that?
Just a hunch.
You give me the impression of
someone who's cloistered away...

...in a library, doing research
and never reads the newspaper.

I used to write for a newspaper.
The Pall Mall Gazette.

Really? Shows how much I know.
You're a reporter?

I wrote articles on whatever struck
my fancy.Social issues, mainly.

The last thing I did was a series
on free love.

Free love?
I haven't heard that term
since the eighth grade.

Tell me something.
Did you think it was forward of me
to invite you to lunch like this?

-Do you often--?
-Invite strange men to lunch? No.

But it's not often that a strange man
turns me on.

Or a strange woman.
I didn't mean to imply I was a dyke.
-A dyke?
-Sorry, lesbian.

I like my sex straight.
It's just that I go for months without
meeting anybody who does it for me.

A lot of people,
like my friend Carol....

I won't gossip,
but a lot of people can sleep around.

Not me.I really have to like the guy.
Otherwise, it's just no go.
