I have to go to the hospital.
Have they found another one?
They have, haven't they?.
- Tell the truth.
- Now, calm down.
- Where did they find it this time?
- You really mustn't drink so much.
I asked you a question.
They're on the other side of the island.
When will they reach this side?
Tell me.
I really think you ought to rest.
We'll talk about it later.
There's really no need
to agitate yourself so much.
I hate you.
No. You don't know
what you're saying.
How you'd like to be able
to pass me off as crazy.
The truth is I'm a danger for you.
Apart from a handful
of superstitious natives,
I'm the only one
who knows what you're doing.
And don't think I'm going
to keep my mouth shut.
I'm going to tell everyone
that you are the one who's crazy,
demented, cruel, evil-
I'll be at the hospital.
You still see yourself as
the scientist you once were, don't you?
Well, you're not. You're no better
than one of their witch doctors.
Just stop it!
- My research is-
- Research!
You call fooling around with superstitions
and voodoo rites research?
You know perfectly well that the work
I'm doing is very important.
- I wouldn't be here if it wasn't.
- I don't give a damn!
I don't want to stay on this island
one more hour.
You won't be happy
until I meet one of your zombies.
Now, look