
Relax and enjoy your flight.
Would you like something to read?
Do you have anything light?
How about this leaflet,
"Famous Jewish Sports Legends"?

Yes. Thank you.
- Ted! What are you doing here?
- I've got to talk to you.

You shouldn't have come.
I don't have time now.

- Stewardess?
- Excuse me.

No wonder you're upset. She's lovely.
And a darling figure.
Supple, pouting breasts, firm thighs.
It's a shame you two
don't get along.

Yes, I know.
Things used to be different.
I remember when we first met.
It was during the war.
I was in the air force,
stationed in Drambuie,
off the Barbary Coast.

I used to hang out
at the Magumba Bar.

It was a rough place.
The seediest dive on the wharf,

populated with every reject and
cut-throat from Bombay to Calcutta.

It was worse than Detroit.
The mood in the place was ugly.
You wouldn't be there unless
you knew how to use your fists.

A fight broke out almost every night.
