
They'd never seen Americans before.
It was really a challenge,
introducing them to
our western culture.

At first, they didn't know
what to think of us.

But soon, we gained their trust.
It'll help you better
prepare storing foods

for the up and coming
monsoon months.

Also, Supperware products are
ideal for storing leftovers

to help stretch your food dollar.
This two-quart
"Seals-M-Rite" container

keeps hot dog buns fresh for days.
These people had been completely
isolated from civilization.

No one had outlined a physical
fitness program for them,

and they had no athletic equipment.
I started them
on simple calisthenics,

worked up to rudimentary game skills,
and finally, advanced
competitive theory.

I was patient, and
they were eager to learn.

They seemed to enjoy themselves.
Probably due to advanced
American teaching techniques,

we bridged the generations
of isolation,

and communicated successfully
with the Molombos.

They're getting the hang of it.
When we re-enlist,
I'll teach them baseball.

Ted, I don't want to stay here.
It's time to go home to
the plans we made before the war.

A lot of people made plans
before the war. Like George Zip.
