
This is Elaine Dickinson,
the stewardess.

Captain Oveur's passed out.
We've lost the co-pilot
and navigator, too. We're in trouble.

Roger. I'm Steve McCroskey,
Chicago air control.

I'll be back in a moment.
Hold all takeoffs.

When 508 reports,
bring it straight in.

Suspend all meal service
on flights leaving Los Angeles.

Tell all dispatchers
to remain at the post.

- How about coffee?
- No, thanks.

I want the weather
on every available landing field.

You understand?
Any place available
to land that plane!

Go to the tower
and get a runway diagram.

Check down the field
for emergency equipment.

Chief, we got fog every place
east of the Rockies.

They'll have
to come through to Chicago.

Looks like I picked the wrong week
to quit smoking.

Get the best available man
who won't crack under pressure.

How about Mr Rogers?
Get me Rex Kramer.
Next to the throttle
is the air speed gauge.

What speed does it indicate?
- 520 miles per hour.
- Good. Very good.

Now, check your altitude.
That's the dial below and right
of the speed indicator.

35,000 feet.
No, wait. 34,000 feet.
No. It's dropping!
It's dropping fast!

Why is it doing that?
Oh, my God! The automatic pilot,
it's deflating!

Elaine, don't panic.
On his belt line
there's a hollow tube.

That's the manual inflation nozzle.
Pull it out and blow on it.
