
I flew single-engine fighters,
but this plane has four engines.

It's an entirely different
kind of flying...altogether.

It's an entirely different
kind of flying.

I haven't touched
any kind of plane in six years.

Mr Striker,
I know nothing about flying.

You're the only one on this plane
who can possibly fly it.

You're the only chance we've got.
That's right. That's what I said.
You heard me.

Tell Omaha to acknowledge
and stand by.

Every piece
of emergency equipment available.

Alert rescue units every mile
of the way, from here to the Rockies.

We'll need
a free-landing flight check. Fast.

- It's your wife.
- I want the kids in bed by nine,

the dog fed, the yard watered,
the gate locked.

Get a note to the milkman -
"No more cheese."

Where the hell is Kramer?
No, he can't do that.
The risk of a flame-out's too great.

Keep him at 24,000... No, feet.
A passenger is going
to land that plane.

- Is that possible?
- It's a hundred to one shot.
