
Striker? Striker, this is
Captain Rex Kramer speaking.

Yes, Captain Kramer.
Read you loud and clear.

All right.
It's obvious you remember me.

What do you say we forget about
everything, except what we must do?

Let's not kid each other, Kramer.
You know I've never flown
a bucket like this.

- I'll need all the luck there is.
- Stand by, Striker.

Our one hope is to build this man up.
I've got to give him confidence.

Striker, you ever flown
a multi-engine plane?

- No, never.
- Shit! It's a goddamn waste of time.

There's no way he can land it!
You got to talk him down! You got to!
Route him into Lake Michigan. At
least avoid killing innocent people.

You're the only chance they've got.
All right.
Striker, you listen,
and you listen close.

Flying a plane
is like riding a bicycle.

It's just harder
to put baseball cards in the spokes.

First, get the feel of the plane.
Later, we'll run down
the landing procedure.

All right.
Disengage the automatic pilot.

Make no violent control movements
like you did in the fighter planes.

All right.
I'll unlock the automatic pilot.

The controls will feel very heavy
compared to a fighter.

Don't worry about that.
It's perfectly normal.

Now, one more thing.
Can somebody work the radio
and leave you free for flying?
