Altered States

He says it's all right for you
to participate in their ceremony.

Ask him what kind of an experience
I can expect.

Are they gathering these mushrooms
for the ritual?

No, they're being harvested for next year.
Qué clase de experiencia
puede esperar mi amigo?

Su alma regresar a su primera alma.
Your soul will return to the First Soul.
Ask him what this First Soul will look like.
_Cómo es la primera alma?
Es la Materia Increada.
It is Unborn Stuff.
Entonces, usted se lanzará en el vacío....
Then you will propel into the void.
Usted verá una mancha.
You will see a spot.
La mancha se convertiráen una grieta.
The spot will become a crack.
Esta es la Grieta Entre la Nada...
This is the Crack Between the Nothing...
De esta Nada saldr su Alma Increada.
...and out of this Nothing will come
your Unborn Soul.
