American Gigolo

You made quite a hit in Palm Springs.
They want you back.

I'm serious.
They want you back this week.

I wouldn't take much,
you know. It's...

They're regulars for me.
You lied, Leon.
It was a rough trick.

I forgot. You got scruples now, huh?
I don't like playing
the same numbers too often.

They get possessive.
- I can't be possessed.
- Does that include Miss Anne?

Anne who?
I don't know why you fool around
with that dumb bitch.

I'll tell you why, Leon. She's got
a job coming up for me in a week.

Eight grand.
Can you get me that?
All right. All right.
Thanks, hon.
Just trying to warn you, that's all.
That bitch will sell you out.

But you really care about me,
don't you? Don't you, Leon?

You care.
You know, you walk
an awful thin line, Julian.

I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
You're getting cocky.

The other boys are happy,
with a car, a house, but not you.

You got all your rich pussy lined up,
once- a-month tricks,

a dip in the pool,
a little tennis, and orgasm.

I'm just to warning you as a friend.
If those bitches ever turn on you,
you're through.

You're sure about that?
They'll cut you out.
