American Gigolo

Last night, my wife asked me
about the Rheiman murder.

Didn't make any sense
till I heard about you.

You talked to Michelle about this?
You're not gonna blackmail me.
You don't know anything about this.
But I do know a whore when I see one.
How much?
Not to see your wife again?
You'll have the cash in the morning.
I'm seeing Michelle
because I want to see her...

and because she wants to see me.
I don't want a dime from you.
That may be even simpler.
You live off the good graces
of a few people,

like Mrs Andros,
who was at the door a minute ago...

and of places such as this.
You're just a hanger-on.
Unless you want to find
a new crowd to hang onto,

don't see my wife again.
