Aus dem Leben der Marionetten

Shrinks are interested in dreams.
Mine are banal, meaningless, dull.
l want you to tell me my hormones are
responsible for my urge to kill her.

Maybe l just want you
to hypnotize me.

That could be one solution.
You're not saying anything.
-Why did you come to see me?

You don't believe in your own agony.
You don't believe
in the existence of the soul.

So why did you come?
-Are you angry?

Of course l'm angry. Because you
have so little respect for your fear.

Maybe you should prescribe
something for me.

Just take a long walk. That's
the best thing for depression.

Then drink some coffee, a few
cognacs, and you'll feel good as new.

Thank you, Mogens.
You've been a great help.

l don't want to.
Sit down.
l think l've made quite an effort.
How often do we say
that we hate someone.

Or that we wish our counterpart
were dead. Or we hit each other.

Humiliate, challenge,
threaten the other.

We spit each other in the face, grip
each other's arms, wrestle, yell.

Finally some blood is shed. One of us
triumphs, the other is destroyed...

and stands by the bathroom door
asking for forgiveness.

That's not dangerous?
-Not dangerous at all.
