Aus dem Leben der Marionetten

Maybe that's the way
it's supposed to be.

l don't know anything.
l don't understand anything.

And how could l understand?
l was an actress before l married. l
gave it up to look after my children.

My husband didn't want me to continue
working. And l've never regretted it.

l've had a good and happy life.
Peter came to see me a few days ago.
lt was a brief visit. He had a list
of things that needed to be repaired.

We went through the list together.
He was to speak with the architect.

lt's an old, dilapidated house...
with a somewhat unkept garden.
ln one wing, the roof is so badly
insulated that snow seeps through it.

We talked about all these things.
We were both in a bit of a rush.

l was expecting guests for dinner,
and Peter was going to a conference.

l didn't notice anything unusual.
Peter just said he was a bit tired.

That he'd had a cold.
Katarina was to be in Paris...

till the middle of the week.
We laughed about all those repairs
and the architect's report.

lt was really quite funny. Peter said
that l live in a real rat trap.

But l love my old house.
l'll never move out of it.
Five days before the catastrophe...
Katarina and Peter
spend a sleepless night.
