Aus dem Leben der Marionetten

How did it happen?
-lt happened one Sunday last fall.

At the train station.
-You were taking a trip?

There are foreign men at the station
who go there to earn a bit of money.

Suddenly l ran into Peter Egermann.
He'd bought some foreign papers...

at the international newsstand.
We had a cup...

of coffee together.
For some reason...

l told him why l was at the station.
Peter was interested somehow.
Suddenly he told me...

that he'd never gone
to a prostitute before.

l recommended Katarina Krafft,
gave him her address...

and promised to talk to her about it.
That's the whole story.

That's the reality. But
actually it's not even half of it.

l was furious at Katarina Egermann.
Fact is, l've always been furious
with her, even though l liked her.

l liked the idea that Peter was
cheating on her with a prostitute.

But that's only part of the truth.
Weak people choose strange paths.
You should know that, lnspector.

lt torments me that l was the one who
introduced the killer to the victim.

Please excuse my dramatic turns of
phrase. l just have a bad conscience.

l blame my homosexuality.
That too is just part of the truth.
This is starting to become
interesting, don't you think?

The truth is of course that
l wanted Peter all to myself.
