Bronco Billy

Spin the wheel.
Next time you change the dialogue
on that piece of paper...

:41:46're fired!
How dare you come in here!
Where's that piece of paper?
I'm not accustomed to being yelled at!
Where's that piece of paper?
I say, "Would you like a blindfold,
Miss Lily?"

You say, "No, Bronco Billy,
because you're the best shot."

Not, "the best marksman"!
And when I say, "I'll use one,"
where does it say:

"Must you, Bronco Billy?"
It doesn't say that here, does it!

Every assistant I've had
for the last 10 years...

...has said exactly what's on this paper!
That's the way I want it continued!

Do you understand?
And another thing, I own this tent!
Are you finished with your little speech?
Yes, I'm finished!
I do not work for you!
And if you ever raise your voice
to me again, I will scratch out your eyes!

Are we camping here tonight
or moving on?

We're hitting the trail, now!
He is a madman!
Is he?
John Arlington, I am going to murder you
for doing this to me!

How's Buster feeling?
