Bronco Billy

The Sheriff called the front gate
and told me he's got Leonard in his jail!

Sheriff, you've got one of my wranglers
housed up in your calaboose here.

- What was his name?
- Leonard James.

You two waiting to see me?
They're with me, Sheriff.
I run the Bronco Billy Wild West Show.

In fact, we're playing over
at the fairgrounds tonight.

Let's see.
"James, Leonard. Age 28.
"Drunk and disorderly in a public place.
"Resisting arrest..."
We kicked up our heels a bit last night.
I guess Leonard kicked his up too high.
We ran a routine check on your boy.
Found that he's wanted for desertion
from the United States Army.

You must have the wrong man, Sheriff.
Prints don't lie.
Your boy's a coward.
He didn't want to fight in Vietnam.
- Can we see him?
- Yeah.

Just you.
You two can wait outside.
Why did you become a deserter?
I got a show to run!

Where am I gonna find a wrangler
who can rope like you by showtime?

I'm sorry, Boss.
