
This isn't a question of pinpricks.
You built that thing wrong...
and I want you to rebuild it.
Of course you do.
I'll help with the cost.
I'll bill only my materials.
This won't cost me anything.
You guarantee your work?
Of course.
You get on top
of this shit pile...

and then the job's
not such a ballbuster.

You'll be happier then.
I'm not complaining.
Are you unhappy?
It sure sounds like it to me.
I'm not in this business for my health.
Or anybody else's.
I'm doing my inventory.
It's a pain in the ass.
Ain't been anybody from Wakefield
helping me lately.

We're not sending
convicts to you anymore.

That's slave labor.
It is not.
You got it all backwards...
because this is a community.
The people around here...
don't ostracize this prison.
We accept it.
We cooperate.
It's a two-way street.
You'll see a lot of nice things...
from people in
the farm supply business...

clothing business...
Lumber business.
Yeah. Take that cake.
The point ain't whether
you like prune.

It's the thought that counts.
Just accept the stuff,
keep your mouth shut...

and let things run...
like they've been
going for 100 years...

before we was born.
I'm talking about tradition.
Don't fuck with tradition.
