
he got to be at.
But I want to see him.
If a trusty escapes...
he can't be a trusty.
Damn straight.
But I'm talking about
extenuating circumstances.

For instance, a man escapes,
realizes his mistake...

then surrenders himself voluntarily.
Put him in the hole for 10 days.
Take away all
his visiting privileges.

What the fuck you talking about?
Don't let him mail more
than one letter a week.

Don't let him watch TV
for a whole damn week.

Birdwell, you got strange ideas
of criminal justice.

Up your ass, I believe.
Want to know something,

Sure, I'd love to know something.
About your mama?
Hey! Hey!
Come on, Abraham.
Let's go.
Hands off him, Purcell!
I got to clean my conscience.
I got something
to tell you about in private.

You don't have
to explain anything to anybody.

Come into my office.
I got guys waiting...
that have appointments.
Tell them a story.
You guys can manage.

I come to Wakefield
before World War II.

Take a walk, Purcell.
This ain't open to the public.
We used to make
corn liquor out of this.

Growed it at Campfire Field.
What happened?
What happened to your eye?
