Flash Gordon

- Spare me the madness.
- I will. Hold him.

- This guy is going to help me?
- Stay.

That was extremely moving.
I do sometimes keep a promise.

- Prepare a feast.
- No, I have to get back right away.

- Then why did you come?
- I brought you a present. Flash?

Welcome back from the grave.
I knew you were up to something,
but not necrophilia.

Just keep him for me until my father
has had his way with Dale Arden.

I'll keep him all right! In my larder.
Take him, with the rest of the meat.

I forbid it. If you kill Flash,
you'll never have me again.

What danger is there?
Everyone thinks he's dead.

- I'll take him to Cythera next week.
- Harboring a fugitive is treason.

You're not frightened of Ming.
- You are playing with fire, Aura.
- Of course I am.

Does anyone ever trust her twice?
So they let us escape because Klytus
thought he erased your memory.

Do you know why it failed? I started
to recite Shakespeare, the Talmud. -

- Einstein, anything I could remember,
even The Beatles. It armored me.
