Friday the 13th

-Do I really look like that?.
-You did last night.

You're very talented.
You're very pretty.
This really isn't your cup of tea, is it?.
Any particular reason?.
It's just a problem I have.
It's nothing personal.

-You wanna leave?.
-I don't know. I may have to...

...go back to California
to straighten something out.

Come on. Give me another chance.
Stay a week.
Help get the place ready.

By Friday, if you're not happy,
I'll put you on the bus myself.

All right. Friday. I'll give it a week.
Thanks, Alice.
Bill?. Steve wants to know
if we need more paint.

-Paint's all right. Need more thinner.

-Alice. Did the others show up?.
-Yeah, eVerybody except that girl Annie.

-Think you're gonna last all summer?.
-I don't know if I'm gonna last all week.

-I'll tell Steve about the thinner.

-You want it listed separately?.

Brenda, I want you to
finish the archery range.
