Gates of Heaven

because it had tremendous visual ability...
and thousands of cars that went past 280.
And the property leaned
in other directions as well.

It was a marvelous location
for a restaurant or a motel.

Various and sundry things.
We found that people by the name
of Dunton owned the property...

and we approached them
and asked them what they thought.

There was a meeting
heId at Mr. McCIure's house...

which I attended.
I was a IittIe Iate, but during the meeting...
Mr. Dunton had expressed
his wishes, desires, and needs...

to Mr. McCIure,
and emphasizing very strongIy:

''Mac, you have nothing to worry about.
''I'm a minister of this particuIar church.
''You can trust me. I'm a minister.
''We wiII have a pet cemetery.
It wiII be a success.

''You and I, we'II put it together.
''We'II do it. We'II have it. Just you and I.''
It was sort of a kismet idea.
So we went to work on the pet cemetery.
The ugIy crisis...
which we used as our basis...
and this was nothing against
the SPCA of Santa CIara County...

or the AnimaI ControI Officer
of Santa CIara County.

But the idea that we needed the concept...
