Gates of Heaven

where we were burying a pet...
the whoIe cemetery
wouId be at the grave site...

the chiIdren...
the mother, and the father
wouId reaIIy break down...

and actuaIIy cry.
The IittIe services that we give
out there at the cemetery...

we bring out pretty much that:
''Here before us Iies IittIe Toby.
''LittIe Toby was put on this Earth
for two reasons: to Iove and be Ioved.

''And today, we're standing here
saying goodbye to IittIe Toby...

''who was the Smiths' beIoved IittIe friend.
''Now, we're going to give you back,
IittIe Toby, to Mother Nature.''

We had a gaI here. I had a gaI hired here.
Now, this wiII show you
what you're up against.

She never went in the pIant,
she never Ieft this office.

You don't see anything of this pIant.
These trucks.
You don't see too much, right?

And she didn't see anything.
But she Ieft. She quit working here...
because it bothered her mind.
The mere fact of what we did
bothered her mind.

And she never saw a damn thing
or smeIIed anything.

One thing that reaIIy bothered me a Iot...
that reaIIy got into my heart...
was knowing, not onIy that animaIs...
are being treated in such a vioIent way
after death...

in this rendering company...
by being torn apart...
