Gates of Heaven

I think it was a horribIe thing for us
in this generation to have it happen.

And in a state Iike CaIifornia...
to have something Iike that,
I think it's inhumane.

I think Mac reaIIy wanted a pet cemetery...
and I think he probabIy had
a great Iove for animaIs.

UnfortunateIy, it's not that easy.
You can't just go out and start
something Iike that, buiId a chapeI...

and pay $50,000 an acre for Iand...
and pay taxes, interest on the baIance...
for 25 cents.
And the Duntons were not interested...
in that beautifuI Garden of Eden
that Mac had in his mind.

Because I reaIIy think he had it in his mind.
So as a totaI...
before it finaIIy wound up
and went to the finaI Iawsuit...

I myseIf Iost around $30,000.
I'm not sure how much Joe has Iost.

It's in that neighborhood.
I suppose after you Iose
this kind of money...

you just keep working at it untiI
you're a success at something.

The onIy thing that I'm guiIty of
is compassion.

And that's aII.
