Gates of Heaven

We have tried to follow
sound business practices...

where it's quite obvious
that other pet cemeteries...

that have now failed, did not.
This cemetery wiII be in business...
50, 60, 70, or 100 years from now.
CertainIy beyond the Iifetime of anybody...
who ever buried a pet here.
I think this is aII that concerns peopIe
that have buried their pets here.

When we decided...
to turn the property into a pet cemetery...
and we discussed a name...
we just aII agreed that we couIdn't
come up with a better one...

than BubbIing WeII Pet MemoriaI Park,
which has a IoveIy sound.

The connotation
is something Iiving, bubbIing.

A weII with IoveIy, refreshing spring water.
And it has a meaning of Iife...
and purity...
and aII of the good things
that we aII Iike to think about.

Most peopIe don't know it, but we're
in the middIe of a pet expIosion...

throughout not only the United States,
but throughout the world.

And this has been brought about...
from the new pattern that has
emerged in the last 10-15 years...

in the family life.
I wouId say that the piII
is IargeIy more responsibIe...

for the pet expIosion
than any other singIe factor.

This is quite a surprise...
to a Iot of peopIe
that don't understand the business...
