Gates of Heaven

Recognize, relate, assimilate,
and put into action.

Like I couId be driving
down the freeway and see a 450 SL...

and I can say, ''Hey, I Iike that.''
What does that mean to me?

What wouId I have to do to get it?
How can I do it?

And then go to work for it. And strive for it.
It kind of makes Iife easy.
I think that's why a lot of people don't....
They get frustrated.
They have emotional problems...

because they don't know
how to cope with their mind.

There are three things that I've got to do...
that anybody has to do
if they want to be successful.

To have the desire, the ''want to.''
Why do you go to work in the morning?
Gee, why am I here?
Because you want to.
But that's obvious.
And then, the next
very important ingredient...

is something that a Iot of peopIe
and businesses faiI to deIve into.

It's the activity-knowIedge.
It wouId be the equation...
to a mathematicaI probIem.
It wouId be equaI...

to the chemist's abiIity
to emuIsify chemicaIs.

You know, properIy, the vaIences.
But the knowIedge of it, the
whoIe scope, everything in detaiI.

And then the third eIement wouId be
the know-how or the experience.

I have the inspiration to action.
I don't have the activity-knowledge...

but I'm getting the know-how
before the activity-knowledge.

In fact, I'm getting more know-how
than activity-knowledge.

But they can be correlated together.
They can be overlapped.

Our youngest son, graduated from Chico...
