Gates of Heaven

PIanning, deveIopment,
and getting the peopIe interested.

Working with....
I worked with
Carnation Pet Food Company...

Safeway Stores, Lucky Stores.
I remember taIking with Dicky Euwe...
of Dick's Supermarkets...
and asking him if I couId come
and work in his pet food section...

and just hand out my cards
and taIk to the peopIe...

about having a pet cemetery.
I went to grooming shops,
I went to veterinarians.

And the interest I got was
just phenomenaI. It was just great.

So then I had to get
some more interested peopIe...

in the idea of it,
because we needed the financing.

FIoyd is a heartwarming individuaI
who Iikes to do a Iot for everybody.

And he came into the office one day,
and him and I got to taIking.

His reaI name, I think, is FIoyd,
but we aIways caIIed him Mac.

And Mac, very surprisingIy,
said to me that...

something he had aIways wanted to do
was put a pet cemetery together.

So I said, ''Mac, that's amazing...
''because we've just been thinking
about the same thing ourseIves...

''and maybe we can put it together
under one group.''

So he said, ''WonderfuI.''
So I was made aware of this property...
that is in Los Altos
on Foothill and Highway 280.

We felt that it would make
a great place for a pet cemetery...
