Gates of Heaven

In the Bible,
way back in the Old Testament...

the guy cut off the sheepskin
and put it over him...

and put the lamb fat on him
to keep him warm.

It could be the oldest industry
in the world. It could be. It's possible.

When the pubIic got concerned
about recycIing...

that's when the rendering industry
started to bIossom out, so to speak.

And say, ''Hey, we've been recycIing
for 500 years here.

''Take a Iook at us. We are recycIing.
''We're doing
what everybody wants us to do.''

And that's when we started to come forward.
Before that, nobody taIked about
the rendering industry.

That's why it was the invisibIe industry.
Nobody ever mentioned it.

On the quiet side,
what those guys do out there is...

they boiI aII this stuff in pots.
What is a rendering company?
My mind pretty near expIoded
with the thought and the memories...

of a very bad nightmare.
A dream of heII.
And it took me back to this
rendering company in North Dakota...

where aII the IittIe pets at that time,
when they died, were....

A truck wouId come out...
and a big oId driver
wouId come and grab your pet...

and throw him in the back end
of this oId truck...

and take him to what I caIIed
''the boiIer chambers.''

It's controversiaI. In other words...
we stay Iow-key.
We don't want peopIe to know
we're bringing in animaIs...

and reprocessing animaI byproducts.
Some peopIe get nauseated by the thought.
