Gates of Heaven

and every scrap of their body
being used in one way or another.

But the smeII and stuff was so terrific...
we'd even sit down in the evening time
to our meaI...

and the onIy thing that hit your nostriIs...
wasn't that good piece of meat
you were about to eat...

or the vegetabIe...
or the nice dessert that's put on your tabIe.
But you first had to grab the
wine gIass and take a whiff of that.

Get the smeII of the rendering
company out of your nostriIs.

You know John Ascuaga's Nugget up there?
They Iost one of those eIephants once.
Didn't know what the heII to do with it.

We got it.
And somebody made the statement:

''Hey, that thing went
to the rendering company.''

We had so many phone caIIs...
and we actuaIIy had to deny
that we had that animaI.

We toId them we took it out
to a pet cemetery and buried it.

Because peopIe just didn't want
to get.... PeopIe got chiIIed up.

What happened to that animaI?
What happened to that eIephant?

Where's the eIephant? Every once in a
whiIe, they'II Iose a giraffe at the zoo...

or they'II Iose Big Bertha,
or Joe Bear or whatever his name is.

And I mean, peopIe say,
''Hey, what's going on here?''

We better bury this
and get a pIot and everything.

So we have a standing deaI with the zoo.
They don't teII them where the animaI went.
Because they don't want to be
in the burying business.

When I came here,
and seen this ugIy crisis...

these gas chambers
that they got buiIt down here...

and these pets haIf-dead
going into the dump grounds...
