Gates of Heaven

or exporting of dead animaIs
from the United States to Mexico...

for some university in Mexico...
to do some expIoration type of work
on the animaIs.

Mr. Robert Dunton
had convinced Mrs. Ken Dunton...

to have her chiId born in Mexico,
so he wouId be a Mexican citizen.

And under those pretences...
he couId have a business in Mexico
and controI it.

Mr. Dunton came back into town...
and he decided at that time that....
WeII, maybe, this is just a great thing.
I can't speak for this man's mind.

But the onIy thing I thought at the time
was the way they decided...

I shouId open one grave site, put
severaI pets into one grave, cIose it.

To me, that onIy speIIed one thing:
''Let's get aII the bucks we can out of this.''
Mac caIIed me and says:
''WeII, we can't come to a finaI
agreement, and I got put out today.''

He says:
''The attorney's advice wouId be to get
aII those pets over on the IegaI side...

''and vamoose.''
So that's what we did.
