Gates of Heaven

HaIf of my troubIe
is from him not being home with me.

Didn't cost him nothing to stay here.
Every time he needed money,
he'd aIways come:

''Mom, can I have this? Can I have that?''
But he never pays it back.
''Too good, too easy.''
That's what everybody teIIs me.

I quit now. I quit.
Now he's got the office job,
I'm going after him.

I'm going after him good, too.
If I have to...
do it in a different way.
He's going to pay that money.
He's got the office job now.

He makes good money anyway.
And he has no kids. He's not married.
''Never get married,'' he says.

He was married once. They're divorced.
WeII, she tried to take him for the kid,
but she didn't.

They went to court.
It was somebody eIse's kid.

She was nothing but a tramp.
I toId him that. He wouIdn't Iisten.

I said, ''I know what she is.
Richard, pIease, Iisten to me.''

No, he wouIdn't Iisten.
He knew it aII. He knew everything.

Big shot.
But he soon found out.
Now that's aII over with.
I've been through so much,
I don't know how I'm staying aIive.

ReaIIy, for my age....
If you're young, it's different.
But I've aIways said,
''I'm never going to grow oId.''

I've aIways had that.
And peopIe that I teII how oId I am,
they don't beIieve me.
