Gates of Heaven

to take care of, to fondIe,
and to heIp to rear.

This wouId satisfy their need for Iove
and giving of Iove and receiving.

But when this has been set aside
for five, six, seven, or eight years...

what do they do? They get a pet.
Now we're taIking about
both sides of the famiIy.

We are not taIking about just one.
Now we have a three-way expIosion.
WeII, we're here...
to put Caesar in the ground today.
I know this is something
that you've not Iooked forward to...

but I wouId just be interested to know...
how you picked BubbIing WeII.
And just teII us a IittIe about Caesar...
so we can have as much personaI
feeIing about this as you do...

because we're going to be
Caesar's caretakers...

and take care of his pIot from now on.
And aIthough we can't know...
personaI detaiIs about aII the pets of
aII who come to BubbIing WeII...

we have a great feeIing for pets...
and we certainIy want to incIude
Caesar in our pet famiIy.

CaI, here's a IittIe picture of Caesar.
If you see that, you can understand...
why we wanted him buried in a good
pIace Iike BubbIing WeIIs here.

You know, I feeI Iike I know him.
-Is that right?
-That face and that smiIe.

He was quite some dog.
And what was his pedigree again?
He was a mixture
of AustraIian sheep and terrier.

-And terrier?

You can see with aII that hair he had.
Did he have a coat.
