Gates of Heaven

with a degree in Business Administration.
He thought that this entitIed him...
to an executive position
out in the worId somewhere.

After many interviews
he found that it wasn't that easy.

So he agreed to come home...
and, with a Iot of reIuctance,
to try this out...

to see how he and his IoveIy father
wouId get aIong.

College is an interesting experience...
and I was kind of taken with it
my first few years.

I wouId study eight or nine hours a night.
I reaIIy caught up on the idea
of doing a Iot of studying.

But towards the end of my coIIege days...
I ended up partying
more than I did actuaIIy studying.

You know, I Iearned a Iot.
I took many cIasses...
say, in Mathematics,
Business Administration...

Marketing, and things Iike that.
You're given things to Iearn...
however, you don't retain
the knowIedge that you Iearn.

It's the idea that you're appIying
your brain, you're exercising it.

That's the part
where the education comes in, I think.

Something also that happened,
it happens to everybody, I suppose.

I fell in love up in Chico.
