
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, thanks.

- More coffee?
- No, thank you.

Hello, Operator.
I'd like to make a ''bill to'' call
to overseas, please.

[ Rings ]
[ Rings ]
- Hello?
- Hi, Is.

Right on time. How are you?
Did you have a safe trip?

Yes. I said hello
to the folks.

They were surprised
to hear from me.

Have any of them
paid you a visit?

Only friend Follett.
He's watching me right now.

[ Lisping ] Give him a kiss for me
and tell him I'll write.

I'm sure he'd be very interested
to hear from you.

[ Chuckling Silently ]
Now, you remember...

when and where
I'm gonna call you next.

Of course I remember.
And you remember to be careful.

And if you should happen
to see Kendig...

tell the horny old goat
I miss him very much and love him.

- Good-bye, Mr.--
- Hannaway. Charlie Hannaway.

And I love you very much too.
Excuse me.
Mrs. Schonenberg?

- Yes?
- May I see you for a moment?

- It's about Miles Kendig.
- I thought it might be.

[ Barking ]
-[ Continues Barking ]
- Not exactly friendly, is he?

Oh, he likes the people I like.
I see. You haven't by any chance
just been talking to him?

- Regretfully, no.
- That's too bad.

You see, it's important
that we reach him fast.

It's about his family.
There's been an accident.

Oh, how dreadful.
Not a tragic accident, I hope.

I'm afraid so.
His mother.
