How to Beat the High Co$t of Living

I'm trying to get
this drawer unlocked.

Millard always kept dimes
for the parking meter.

what's really in that drawer?

I don't know.
But it's locked...

so it must be
something interesting.

Yeah? Let me try.
This is the conveyor belt.
The garbage runs along
the conveyer belt.

It goes all the way
behind the stores...

down here to the river,
where it's picked up by a barge.

This is the tunnel.
It goes all the way to there.

This is gonna be scary.
I've never stolen anything
in my entire life.

You stole my notes
for the Latin final.

It doesn't count.
I got a "D" on that.

Jane, this time,
We've got to get an "A."

All right? An "A."
You realize we're talking about
nearly a million dollars?

Here's the Money Ball...

right above the central
air conditioning unit.

That's the closest store there.
I wonder what it is.
I don't know, but
I'll sure find out tomorrow.

I'll just throw these away.
Are you crazy?
Give them to his little brother.

The little bummer's
got two different-size feet.

The left one's a whole size
bigger than the right.

Must be inherited.
Did you see
his mother's boobs?
