Ko to tamo peva

Come on, brothers,
give a hand also!

Why in God's name have you
ploughed this road, ha?

For 10 years I am prosecuting
the state to pay me

for the road across my land.
And now, when I see that

no one knows "who drinks and who pays",
I will take the justice in my hands

and make up for my loss,
or die!

God help you!
Who are you escorting?

The teacher.
- What happened, in God's name?

they killed my uncle.

Sons of Jova Stevic. -Old man,
here is yours 100 dinars.

Wait, wait.
One, two, three, four, five.

All right?
All right! Drive!

Everybody out!
- What is it now?

We have paid, what more
do you want!?

They killed the teacher and
it would be right to escort him -

and meanwhile I will change
the wheel.

Come on, come on,
quick, quick!
