Ko to tamo peva

Stevic sons! Hold them there!
Can I go with you to Belgrade?!
- Come on, priest, quick!

Folks, everybody to the right side
of the bus! Left can not hold!

Thank God!
We are alive!

Yes! And now we will huddle up
together all the way to Belgrade -

and this side is free!
Can't you understand, man,
that front left tyre is weak

and that it will explode
if we put too much weight on it?!

And we have no more reserve?!
- That's your problem!

I paid to sit.
Come on, find me a place.

Please sit here!
- Not on you place!

You have shown
who and what are you!

Leave the girl alone!
She is not responsible for

our lack of manners!
Don't you dare to put me
in the same line with you!

I am a sir for you!
All this is a consequence of a
total lack of discipline

and chaos! Honest people must feel shame!
- You should cut your tongue down!

- And you don't threaten anyone

in my bus! -You shut up;
you are the same like him!
