Mad Max

I've never been able to say things to you,
Jess, about how I feel.

Guess I always
counted on you understanding.

When I was a kid...
:51:53 and my father
used to go for long walks.

I remember staring down at his shoes.
They were special shoes, brown.
And he always kept them real shiny.
He was tall,
and he used to take long strides.

And there I'd be right alongside him...
...just trying to keep up with him.
I don't think he ever knew
how proud I felt of him.

Or how good it felt
just to be there alongside him.

Even now, when I think back on it,
I still feel....

The thing is, Jess...
...l couldn't tell him about it then,
but I can tell you about it now.

I don't wanna wait ten years to tell you
how I'm feeling about you right now.
