Shao Lin ta peng hsiao tzu

Monastery of Wu Dong or Bai Mei
You want me to be a governor
or an officer?

Tell me. Who do you want me to be?
Aren't I good?
Look at you
Are you pretending you got beaten up?
Ah Chao was beaten up
Ah Chao's injuries are real
I always try to fool others
Why did I do it?
You don't need to lie
How can I compete with others
without lying?

With real Kung Fu
You're still pulling my leg
You know that I can't do Kung Fu
You can learn it
Where can I go to learn it?
You can go to Shaolin Temple
Shaolin. Why don't you go?
All of us were injured
Will they take sissies like us?
You think Shaolin is that easy to enter?
Not for others; but you can, Ah Chieh
Why me?
You can pretend to be a monk
That's right
You askin' me to do it again?
Ah Chieh
You'd rather see us suffer, Jen Chieh
And let them bully us forever
Yes, after you learn kung fu...
We won't need to lie
All right.
Say, even if I can get in Shaolin,

it'd still require many years to learn
That's all right. No matter what
We'll wait for you to avenge us
I'll learn not only for revenge
But also so that I can teach you
Then we'll be able to protect ourselves
Yes. Merciful Buddha
Don't get close. I'm really a monk
I can't get near women folk
But not me
