Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

All troops will debark for ground assault.
Prepare to target the main generator.
Rouge Two, are you all right?
Yeah. I'm with you, Rouge Leader.
We'll set harpoon. I'll cover for you.
Coming around.
Watch that cross fire, boys.
Set for position three. Steady. 3,
Stay tight and low.
Hobbie, l've been hit!
You all right?
Why are you still here?
I heard the command center had been hit.
You got your clearance to leave.
Don't worry. I'll leave.
First l'm going to get you to your ship.

Your Highness, we must take this last transport.
It's our only hope.

Send all troops in sector twelve to the
south slope to protect the fighters.

Imperial troops have entered the base.
Come on...that's it.
Give the evacuation code signal.
And get to your transports!
- Oh, Wait for me!
