Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

...there will be a substantial reward for
the one who finds the Millennium Falcon.

You are free to use any methods necessary,
but l want them alive. No disintegrations.

As you wish.
- Lord Vader! My lord, we have them.

Oh, thank goodness we're coming out of the
asteroid field.

Let's get out of here. Ready for light-speed?

It's not fair!
The transfer circuits are working.
It's not my fault!

No light-speed?
- lt's not my fault.

Sir, we just lost the main rear deflector shield.
One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're
done for.

Turn her around.
I said turn her around!
I'm going to put all power in the front shield.

You're going to attack them?!
- Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on
an lmperial Star Destroyer...

Shut up!
They're moving to attack position.
Shields up!

Track them,. They may come around for another pass.
- Captain Needa, the ship no longer appears
on our scopes.

They can't have disappeared.
No ship that small has a cloaking device.

Well, there's no trace of them, sir.
Captain, Lord Vader demands an update on
the pursuit.

Get a shuttle ready. I shall assume full
responsibility for losing them, and apologize to
Lord Vader. Meanwhile, continue to scan the area.

Yes, Captain Needa.
