The Blues Brothers

- So what?
- Here's $10,000.

An advance on your first
recording session.

Is it a deal?
Yeah. Sure, it's a deal.
Yeah. Sure, it's a deal!
Listen, all these cops out here--
they're waiting for us.

We gotta get out with nobody
seeing us. You know a back door out?

Sure. I used to be head bouncer here
back in the '70s.

There's an electrical service duct
behind your drummer's riser.

Do us a favor.
Take $1,400 and give it
to Ray's Music Exchange...

in Calumet City,
and give the rest to the band.

- You got it.
- Thanks.

Me and Elwood are gonna make a break
for it. You and the band keep playing.

- Something's wrong.
- Where's Jake?

Where'd they go?
I sure hope this thing
leads someplace.

Elwood, we're gone, man.
Who is that girl?
Well, Jake.
You look just fine down there...
slithering in the mud
like vermin.
