The Return of the King

Bless my soul!
You are missing a finger!
You not only lost my ring...
:04:12 lost the finger on which it rode?
Frodo, you must explain.
We have brought with us someone...
...who has written a ballad
about the adventures of Frodo:

The Minstrel of Gondor.
"Frodo of the nine fingers
"And the Ring of Doom"
It has its beginnings two ages past...
...when Bilbo set forth to reclaim
the Dwarves' gold...

...from the dragon, Smaug.
While on his quest,
Bilbo stumbled into a deep, dank cave.

This part I remember.
"When Bilbo found that shiny ring
"In Gollum's cave of gloom
"He never thought
"That it would turn into a ring of doom
"The dragon Smaug
The spiders too

"The Goblins, the Elven-king
"They came to know the power
"Of the Hobbit and his ring
"Frodo of the nine fingers
"And the Ring of Doom
"It started with a Hobbit
"In Gollum's cave of gloom
