The Return of the King

Dear master. Frodo.
You live.
You live!
-Am I still dreaming?
-No dream, master.

It's real. I've come.
Sam. Dear Sam.
I feel like a child at rest.
When night fears are driven away.
By some loved voice.
Come, Mr. Frodo.
I still must get you out of this place.
Please, dear master, wake up.
They hovered over me.
Gloating, fingering their knives.
The whips, their claws, their eyes...
Don't think about it.
Let me help you to your feet.
Oh, dear. The quest.
The quest has failed.
Failed? No, sir.
Yes. The Ring is gone, dear Sam.
Even if we could get out of here,
we can't escape.

For evil is everywhere.
And only Elves can escape Middle-earth.
They board the white ships
at the Gray Havens...

...and sail off to the lands beyond.
Don't even think of passing on!
