The Shining

-What time does the plane leave?

That gives us plenty of time
to go over everything.

-Goodbye, Mr. Ullman.

Good morning. I hope you
haven't been waiting too long.

No problem. We had time
to grab a bite to eat.

Good. Glad you made it
before they shut down the kitchen.

Is your family
having a look around?

No, my son's
discovered the games room.

-Has your luggage been brought in?
-Right there.

In view of all we have
to cover today...

...I suggest we have a quick look
at your apartment and get started.

Have the Torrances' things
brought to their apartment.

I'd better collect my family first.
This is our Colorado Lounge.
It's beautiful.
My God!
This place is fantastic,
isn't it, hon?

It sure is.
This is the staff wing
of the hotel.
