The Shining

Hi, Lloyd.
A little slow tonight,
isn't it?

Yes it is, Mr. Torrance.
What will it be?
I'm awfully glad
you asked me that, Lloyd...

...because I just happen to have
two twenties...

...and two tens
right here in my wallet.

I was afraid they'd
be there until next April.

So here's what:
You slip me a bottle of bourbon...
...a little glass and some ice.
You can do that, can't you?
You're not too busy, are you?
No, sir.
I'm not busy at all.

Good man.
You set them up...
...and I'll knock them back,
one by one.

White man's burden,
Lloyd, my man.

White man's burden.
Say, Lloyd...
:49:10 seems I'm temporarily light.
How's my credit
in this joint, anyway?

Your credit's fine, Mr. Torrance.
That's swell.
I like you, Lloyd.
I always liked you.
You were always the best of them.
Best goddamn bartender...
...from Timbuktu
to Portland, Maine.

Or Portland, Oregon,
for that matter.

Thank you for saying so.
I never laid a hand on him,
goddamn it.

I didn't.
I wouldn't touch one hair
on his goddamn little head.

I love the little son of a bitch.
