Used Cars

Okay, everybody in the car!
In the car, kids!

Everybody in the car,
test drive with toby...

we're going for a test drive
with toby, that's right...

so, al, listen,
this baby's got a big engine...

a lot of power, big v8.
I want you to feel that pickup.
So just go right ahead and punch it.

Punch it?
Oh my god!
You killed my dog, mister.
You killed my dog!

I'm sorry...
all he wanted was for you to be happy
in this car... and now he's dead.

How was i supposed to know...?
- We raised it from a puppy...
- how could you?

Look, mister, i know
i can't bring your dog back...

but... how about if i buy the car?
Nail 'em for false advertising.
They said they had 10 million cars.

They said they had ten jillion cars.
Even if they said ten million,
i've got to prosecute the owner.

He's off on a
fishing expedition in florida.
