Where the Buffalo Roam

...and Lazlo's arrested, he's in jail.
- I told him that you'd pay for his bail.
- I can't afford it.

- Doesn't matter, he doesn't want it.
- Good.

He said, "Forget the money, but if Marty
could say some sort of personal prayer

"it'd make a big difference."
No, no, no, don't do this to me, please.
Hell, I'll pray with you.
I can't do this. I can't pray.
Sure you can. Dig deep.
Come on, it's like riding a bicycle.

- I can't pray.
- Come on, come on, come on.

Anybody can.
"Dear God". That'd probably be
a good way to start, something like that.

Dear God, thank you for everything.
- Get Lazlo in there.
- Dear God, thank you for everything,

- and God bless Lazlo too.
- And all the people of the worid.

And all the people of the worid too.
Let's have it.

- Please, let's have it.
- Do you have the cheque?

You didn't sign this. You gotta sign this.
They won't cash that without your signature.

Glad I caught that.
It's not legal without the signature.

Thank Lazlo.
'Well, that finished him
as a lawyer, at least as a working lawyer.

'And some of it may have been my fault.
'Perhaps I was not the kind of friend in court
Lazlo needed.

'But the humour had gone,
there was nothing to be laughed at.
