Witte, De

Thousands of horses
lay in the kneaded earth

and the bodies of the enemy
covered the ground.

Those were bloody good battles.
Friar William of Saeftinge stood by
the fallen chancellor Pierre Flotte

and the Frenchman begged for mercy.
Friar William laughed derisively
and hacked him in the back of his neck.

- So that, robbed of his life,

he fell with his face
in the spilt blood.

Makes you thirsty.
- Have a bite of my apple.

I would've liked to have been there.
The mace.
Early tomorrow we will destroy
the evil enemy from the south

with our axes.
Valiant people of Flanders, remember
the glorious deeds of your forefathers.

My noble lord and master,
we will fight for you and die for you.

The Frenchman is already afraid.
- I'll make mincemeat out of them.

Long live Belzen, damn it.
By this dear earth,
which I wish to carry in my heart

today I shall perish or be victorious.
- Come on, we're off.

Noble knights of Flanders and
surrounding areas, to arms.

The enemy is approaching, our country
is in trouble. Raise the alarm!
